Michael Sargent
Engineering Instructor
First, realize that this program nor I will make your son/daughter an engineer. That potential only resides within your child. The program at LWHS offers the opportunity, but it takes hard work, but it can be done.
The goal of the engineering program is a combination of college and vocational education. Your son or daughter can leave high school with a hands on skill set and an Associate Degree in Applied Engineering. To my knowledge, we are the only high school in Florida that offers this pathway thanks to the lab here at LW and the close partnership with Polk State College. Students can choose either the advanced manufacturing or fabrication and design pathway as their degree concentration of choice.
I'm not looking for the straight "A" student. I'm looking for the kids who make mistakes, and can learn from them, while understanding the potential in a career in engineering is rewarding and financially stable.
Did I mention that the Engineering Degree can be earned completely free while in high school? While the opportunity is there, it's not a gift. It is earned by making the right choices and right work ethic.
Each year, 60 freshman enter the program. I have only room for 25 students in the second year of the program. More than half the freshman students will not be asked to continue into the second year due to lack of personal interest, difficulty, or poor choices in their freshman year.
Actions speak louder than words. and sometimes, that is all I have to base my decision on who to take to year two.
Here are a few fun links to projects made by students in the past. I do not build any part of these projects. Their successes and failures in these competitions are lessons in life. Both equally important to learn from, but student confidence soars when they are fully investing themselves into the projects.
Please read "Diving Deeper" below the student examples.
2023 - 2024 Sophomore Can Crusher Project
2023-2024 Junior Automated Coin Sorting Machine
2022-23 Sophomore Can Crusher Projects
2021-22 Sophomore Can Crushing Projects:
2021-22 Junior Automated Rocket Launcher Projects:
https://youtu.be/IZ6TjKY2iUc (40 second mark)
2020-21 Sophomore Can Crushing Project
2019 Automated Escape Room
Diving Deeper:
In year 1, we spend time learning about different technical drawings, moving into the industry standard computer aided drafting program AutoCAD/ SolidWorks/Fusion 360 for a brief introductory experience. Students are then given the opportunity to study a topic in engineering of their choice. The engineering program utilizes hands on trainers that allow students to first learn complex ideas through interactive computer software, then they demonstrate their knowledge with industry standard hardware. Students manipulate AC/DC, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, learn programmable logic controls (PLC- micro 800 family), precision measurement tools, CNC, and so much more. Rounding out the first year, students will learn and take the first of four national exams in safety working towards the MSSC CPT certification. Once completed in their junior year, this certification earns 15 college credits.
While year 1 is exploratory in nature for students, it also allows me to get to know them and see where their interests reside. Not all students from year one continue in the program. Some students realize that this pathway is not for them. We will work with those students to find other programs here at LW that will continue to foster personal growth. Those that are asked to continue in the program experience year 2.
I am commonly asked, “is the math hard in engineering?” Applied engineering takes root in the application of algebra, not calculus. Students with afirm grasp of Algebra tend to see the real world uses that those pesky math teachers always told them about.
In year 2, the class becomes a project-based course. The knowledge from year 1 is utilized to design and build solutions for classroom competitions. This is often a student’s first encounter with using tools, and components. Working to bring their ideas to life is tougher than they thought, and students must learn to communicate in a team effectively. There are no pre-built kits for these competitions; everything is made from scratch, often re-purposing “trash” to be useful again.
Students also continue learning more from our hands-on trainers but also have the chance to start their first engineering courses at Polk State. (Introduction to electronics). The engineering lab at Lake Wales High was specifically modeled after the type of software and hardware found at the Polk State College, Clear Springs Engineering facility. This gives students a major advantage. They learn the material and interact with the hardware, all before starting engineering courses at Polk State. Students also take the second and third exam towards their MSSC CPT certification.
Year 3 students enter class driven and focused. Learning from the years prior, students finish the last MSSC exam and earn 15 college credits. Students should also be well submersed in PSC dual enrollment courses working towards the Engineering Technology degree. Students can have as much as 30 college credits accumulated at this point between certification and PSC courses upon the end of this year. We also continue a new competition-based learning that requires more rigor than the previous year.
Year four is our capstone year. Students continue dual enrollment but now focus on what is next in life. Whether that be a continuation to a 4-year degree program, serve honorably in our military, or enter directly into the workforce, the Applied Engineering Technology Associates degree will advance the students in all aspects.